Monday, April 1, 2013


As we say goodbye to winter, we can't help but think of the description of March...In Like a Lamb and Out Like a Lion.   Today we experienced snow flurries, sunshine and cold winds all to greet some of residents who were returning from their winter escape as they drop by reception.

For those residents who remained home, they kept themselves entertained with the many activities and events at the halls and enjoyed watching the season unfold.   Hayley & Stacey Morning are regular followers to our blog and have informed us of how they have made the best of their long winter enjoying all that Mother Nature has to offer.  Being surrounded by nature in our rural setting residents are witness to many wildlife from squirrels to rabbits, a variety of birds, the occasional deer gracefully seen at dusk or listening to some coyotes howling in the distance, but the most entertaining visitors for Hayley & Stacey this year have been the large feather friends who graced their property along the treed buffer to the farmer's field...Wild Turkeys!  (photo supplied by Hayley & Stacey)

Hayley informed us they enjoyed watching the turkeys arrive in a variety of sizes and numbers throughout the winter, keeping them entertained for hours.  With glimpses of Spring weather just around the corner we know we will be seeing the park come alive as nature unfolds with trees getting their new foliage, Spring flowers in bloom and residents enjoying catching up with their neighbours as they stop to chat or wave as they walk by. 

Every season can be wonderful when we sit back and savour all that is around us.  Take a moment today to just enjoy the sunshine or whatever weather is thrown at us as we each contemplate plans for the season ahead.   Hopefully your life is full of moments that give you great pleasure in your surroundings.

1 comment:

  1. The smaller wildlife namely chipmunks,toads,frogs and mallards are at risk due to the stray cats and house cats that are let out to wander.
